UNESCO published a list of world heritage in danger, claiming that they could disappear in the near future.

The Doanana national Park

An EU country was mentioned in the list and it is Spain with the Donana national park where we can find the Iberian lynx, an endangered species, threatened by building illegal mine shafts.

The Everglades Florida

607000 hectare sanctuary for rare species, the pollution with nutriments and the reduced water flow make it hard for marine species to survive.

The coral reef of Belize

The great barrier reef is the greatest coral reef of the northern hemisphere and it could disappear because of the exploitation of marine ressources, oil and natural gaz, recognizing that 15% of the GDP comes from the reef.

Abu Mena of Egypt

The holy city, a place of pilgrimage for generations of Christians which has churches, public buildings,major basilicas all were built by the martyr Meras of Alexandria one of the most known saints of Egypt, the agricultural works led to excessive groundwater growth which can cause the collapsing of the site.

The tropical rain forests of Sumatra Indonesia 

The extraordinary beauty of this 25 million-hectare site is endangered because of the development of highways, illegal logging nd poaching.

The archaeological zone Chan Chan in Peru

Capital of the ancient kingdom of Chimu before it got caught in the hands of the incas, Chan Chan is threatened because of external avents including those caused by el Nino.