Thinking about visiting Phuket? You need to keep in mind that it is mostly composed of jungles and mangroves and that both suitable for Mosquitoes to flourish. The "Aedes aegypti" carry "Dengue Fever" which is common in South East Asian countries.

Here are 10 ways to avoid dengue fever and enjoy your vacation.

1. Most mosquitoes stroke close to the floor

When your legs are dangling under the table because they make an easy target. Think about applying some repellent on the lower of your legs, to minimize the risks of being bitten. Most restaurants and bars do have some spray you just got to ask them.

2. Mosquitoes are sunset lovers

If you are a sunset lover, you have to keep in mind that so do Aedes aegypti (the type of mosquitoes that carry Dengue). So these times of the day you need some extra precautions against mosquitoes.

3. Avoid Perfumes

Perfume, after-shave and sweet smells captivate the mosquitos.  So if you want to avoid mosquitoes, think of buying unscented deodorant.

4. Mosquitoes are attracted to bright colored clothes

Mosquitoes are also fashion victims and are attracted to bright colored clothes. Bland colored ones are less attractive to mosquitoes. It may be the reason behind the tropical safari suits colors. Keep that in mind!

5. Apply and re-apply products to deter mosquitoes

When you apply products on your skin to deter mosquitoes, you’ll need to re-apply every few hours. Because if you’re outside you will be perspiring and this both washes away the repellent and provides a new attractive scent for the mosquitoes.

6. Wherever you go always use unscented products

You’re maybe out all day, trekking the hills around Phuket, swimming in the sea, lounging on the beach. You’ll be sweaty, salty and tasty for the mosquitoes. Have a shower, without using scented products, before heading out to your favorite rooftop bar or restaurant.

7. Mosquito coils work very well

Mosquito coils work very well as a general deterrent. Set them on the ground, where most of the mosquitoes tend to gather, around your legs and feet.

8. Mosquitoes and light are best friends

Mosquitoes are attracted to light. If you want to get them outside, turn "on" the light outside and "off" inside and open the doors.

9. Spray your room and keep the doors and windows closed

Mosquitoes will track you down, wherever you are. No matter if you’re in a five-star hotel or anywhere. Think about spraying your room before you sleep and keep the doors and windows closed.

10. Use a net above your bed

A mosquito net above your bed is a cage that keeps you in and the mosquitoes out. Make sure there’s no way in for them because they’ll find a way if there is.
