In order to help you put together your must see places to visit in 2018...

The famous site “Business Insider” has asked travelers and experienced bloggers around the world about the destinations that everbody must visit in 2018. We scrolled through the 25 places listed in the site, and we found out that "Tunisia" was in the list.

The travel photographer and Passion Passport community member « Zach Murphy » thinks that Tunisia has it all. He said and we quote: «When I arrived, I was blown away by incredible hospitality, as well as cultural and historical sights I could have never imagined. I went to some of the most remote places in the Sahara desert and got way off the beaten path with a couple dollars and complete strangers.. "Murphy" shared his experience on his Instagram account and added… I drank hundreds of tiny coffees with old men on the side of the street and declined just as many cigarette offers. I walked around historical ruins in cliffs that seemed to have been deserted yesterday yet held ancient secrets to wealthy Arab kingdoms. I got lost in winding old towns where I was the only tourist. But I was never hassled, never had to haggle, and really felt like I could seamlessly fit in with the local flow of life. » 

Some pictures shared on his instagram account : 

We think that what has been said is enough to convince any adventurer to discover this amazing destination !
