The mosque is considered a place of recollection to be able to better communicate with the supreme being, what better to know the greatest mosques of the world and visit.

Masjid al-Haram, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Masjid al Haram Mecca Arabie Saoudite

Being the largest mosque in the world and surrounding the Kaaba. It can accommodate more than 4 million worshippers especially during the periods of major prayers.

Al-Masjid al-Nabawi, Medina, Saudi Arabia

Al Masjid al Nabawi Medina Arabie Saoudite

Situated in the center of the center of the medina with the particularity of its freen dome placed in the middle of the mosque, marking well on the place of the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad.

Istiqlal Masjid, Jakarta, Indonesia

Istiqlal Masjid Jakarta Indonesie

Considered the largest mosque in Indonesia and can accommodate more than 120 thousand worshippers. With an area of 95,000m ².

Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco

Mosquée Hassan II Casablanca Maroc

Being the largest in Morocco and designed by Michel Pinseau, it was finally built by Bouygues. It can accommodate 80,000 worshippers and it overlooks the Atlantic Ocean.

Faisal Mosque, Islamabad, Pakistan

Mosquée Faisal islamabad Pakistan

Faisal comes from King Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia who supported and financed this mosque. This mosque is different because of its untied design. It includes a conference hall, a library and a museum.

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